
Guidelines for presenters

Scientific sessions will be held in the Rectorate Palace University of Belgrade and Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.


The duration of plenary lectures is 30 min; of keynote talks 20 min; and of oral presentation 15 min all incl. 5 min for discussion.
Please prepare the presentations in Microsoft Office Power Point and bring it on CD or USB Flash disk.

Poster Presentations

Size - The size of the poster is expected to be up to 150 cm x 100 cm. A poster printed on one large sheet is encouraged.

Layout - Posters should have sequential sections (e.g. Background, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion).

Title - Aim for a short title. Size of letters should be at least 30 pt. State authors and affiliations below the title, in a smaller font. Include mailing and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers at the bottom of the poster. Grant sources supporting the study may also be included below the title or at the bottom.

Body text - The text is more digestible if it is split into logical sections interspersed with graphics and the size of letters is at least 16 pt. Minimize the amount of written text. Text should never dominate the poster.

Graphics - Graphics should be understandable without need for a detailed description. Title should inform about the content of the figures.

Tables - Avoid large tables. Make a selection of the most important results. Align decimal points. Title should inform about the information in the table.

Handouts - Handouts of posters are encouraged.

Please mount your poster on the board according to assigned poster number which will be marked on the board. All poster numbers will be listed in the program of poster sessions attached behind at the back of the congress booklet. Mounting supplies will be provided at the Registration/Information Desk.

